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Frequently Asked Questions


  • Is Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) permanent?
    Scalp Micropigmentation is a form of permanent cosmetics or permanent makeup. SMP typically lasts 4-6 years, depending on skin type and aftercare. Yearly touch ups are recommended.
  • How many sessions should I expect? How long does a session take?
    Most treatments can be completed within 2-4 sessions depending on the amount of hair loss. This will be assessed by your SMP technician at your initial consultation. Most treatment sessions take between 2-4 hours in length.
  • Does scalp micropigmentation hurt?
    The pain is very minimal and it's consistently less painful than traditional tattoos. We have had many clients fall asleep during their sessions. After your session, you won't experience any further discomfort. Slight reddening is a normal occurance and should disipate within a 2-3 days.
  • If I am a lighter or darker skin tone, will this treatment still look good?
    Of course! Your SMP technician will choose a customized pigment to match your hair follicle and skin tone.
  • Will scalp micropigmentation work with gray hair?
    Yes, those with gray hair can still benefit from the scalp micropigmentation procedure. First, clients are recommended to cut their hair to a short buzzed length. When the hair is buzzed short, gray hair does not appear as gray because the hair root itself is darker. Hair only shows gray as it gets longer. Secondly, we use a gray-scale pigment that can be adjusted in shade to blend with lighter hair tones. We simply create a lighter dilution for blending into the existing gray hairs.
  • If I have hair left, can I leave it long?
    If you are looking to create a denser scalp, then scalp micropigmentation can help create the illusion of thicken areas so that less of the scalp is seen showing through. For a density procedure, you may leave the hair long. However, if there is a strong pattern of hair loss or just not a lot of hair density left, the client is recommended to crop it to a shorter buzz cut.
  • What makes you different than other providers?
    We differentiate ourselves by specializing only in scalp micropigmentation. Our main focus is SMP. We have also obtained multiple certifications from multiple trainers from around the world. We pride ourselves in continuing education and in the work we perform. We also stand by our work and guarantee the entire process from results to satisfaction. We take our clients needs seriously and want them to enjoy the entire process from start to finish.
  • Does scalp micropigmentation make my hair grow back?
    Unfortunately, this procedure does not assist in hair regrowth. It does however give the appearance or illusion of a fuller head of hair.
  • Can scalp micropigmentation camouflage my hair transplant scar?
    Absolutely! We replicate tiny hair follicles inside the scarring and blending the color around the scarring area, transplant and surgical scars can see massive improvement in concealment.
  • Will the pigment used fade?
    After completion of your treatment (2-4 sessions) a client should expect the strength of the pigment to last for many years. Over a longer term, a client will very gradually begin to notice slight lightening of the treatment. Staying out of the sun and/or using suncreen are VERY important to prevent the treatment from fading. When the lightening occurs, you can undergo a “touch up” session to restore any fading and secure many more years of your style.
  • What is the aftercare?
    Read our pre & post care instructions HERE.
  • How will I look immediately following the procedure?
    You will have instant results from the procedure. You will also have visible redness which usually subdues within the 48-72 hours post treatment. SMP is a layering process. With each session, your results will become better and better.
  • How long does the scalp take to fully heal after the procedure?
    Each person is different when it comes to fully healing, however we believe that most cases are around the 7-10 days after the final treatment.
  • Why can't I see my scalp micropigmentation after a week?
    After the first scalp micropigmentation session, your treatment will fade which is completely normal. In the subsequent sessions, we add more density to create a fuller look. Pigment retention varies for each person and some may notice more fading that others, due to skin type and aftercare.
  • What will make my procedure fade?
    Direct exposure in sunlight without using a suncreen will fade your results. To protect your investment, we encourage using sunscreen whenever possible.
  • Can I wear a hat after my scalp micropigmentation treatment?
    Yes, it is possible to wear your hat after your treatment is completed.
  • How long until I can sweat after my scalp micrpigmentation treatment?
    We highly reccomend not heavily sweating for 10-14 days. We feel that this satisfies the amount of time needed to ensure proper pigment settling. You can however, lightly sweat as soon as 4-5 days post-treatment.
  • How long until I can scrub, shampoo, or shave the treatment area?
    We highly reccomend that you do not scrub, shampoo, or shave it for a minimum of at least 4 to 5 days post treatment.
  • Can I go in the pool, sauna, or steam room after my scalp micropigmentation treatment?
    28 days after your final treatment is when we recommend going back into swimming pools, saunas, steam rooms, etc.
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