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Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) Versus Traditional Tattoo

In case the question arises in our mind regarding whether SMP (scalp micropigmentation) is a tattoo or not, the answer is yes. Despite having some similarities with tattooing, SMP shouldn’t be considered a “hair tattoo” by any means. In fact, it is a lot different from a traditional tattoo in several different ways. So, let us not waste another moment and look at the differences between the two.

1. The needle size

The needle used for an SMP is much smaller than that used for traditional tattooing. In fact, it is much smaller than even the smallest needle used in a tattoo. It is referred to as a “3-point-micro-needle” which makes it impossible to discriminate between a hair follicle and the deposit of the ink. While the needle used in conventional tattoos is used to create some fantastic artwork, one used for an SMP is meant to create something which mimics something realistic.

2. The ink

The ink used by an experienced SMP practitioner has been tested and clinically verified. This is done to maintain the consistency of the ink every single time. One more thing is that while the ink used for scalp micropigmentation happens to be organic, that used for traditional tattooing is non-organic in nature and contains iron oxides. Thus, although the SMP ink will not cause any harm or irritation to the skin, the same might not be true in the case of a tattoo ink.

3. The technique

Technique is one vital aspect that we need to take into consideration while differentiation between traditional tattoos and SMPs. Scraping is needed for creating a traditional body tattoo; however, in case of an SMP, pointillism and dotting techniques will be implemented. This is done for imitating hair follicles on the head. Consequently, scalp micropigmentation does not cause much pain to the individual onto whom it is performed. On the contrary, traditional tattooing can result in lots of discomfort on most occasions. In fact, the SMP procedure is so much painless that some clients don’t even feel it.

4. Fading

Fading is one more factor that we need to take into account while discriminating a traditional tattoo from an SMP. While the ink used in scalp micropigmentation is going to fade more naturally, traditional tattoos often become slightly greenish or bluish in the long run. This happens due to the fact that these tattoos tend to oxidize after some time.

5. The penetration depth

Last but not least, we will talk about the depth of penetration into the epidermis. In the case of a traditional tattoo, the artist is going to penetrate up to 5 layers so as to get the maximum effect. On the other hand, an SMP practitioner will not penetrate more than 2 layers under normal circumstances.

If you are searching for a reliable and experienced SMP practitioner to get the job done for you, it will be a sensible idea to find one after going through their reviews on the web. In case you are residing in Canada, make sure to come in touch with Saskatoon Scalp for getting the best results.

If you have any more questions regarding SMP, please email us at or call us at 1-306-241-9068. We would be more than happy to answer any further questions.

If you would like to schedule in for your free consultation, please BOOK HERE NOW.
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